Be alerted if I have a confirmed non-playing player in any lineup
It would be great if somewhere on the homepage (eg. your Notifications system or even clearer ideally) I can see a big prompt/warning that a contest is starting soon and I have a player selected who is confirmed not playing (eg. after the final teams are announced for AFL and NRL 90 and 60mins out).
Probably not business viable for you, but an ever better outcome would be for your system to automatically cancel an entry at the contest cutoff if it contained a confirmed non-playing player (and I could switch this auto-cancelling off and on in my settings in case for whatever reason a user didn't want you to auto-cancel)
Matt Abrahams
This needs to be added ASAP. NRL is completly unfair at the moment with all there late changes. Today, Sharks vs Tigers. Thompson out in the last few minutes and Farah in. The game hasn't even started and the contest is locked. We can't always sit there and watch it for late outs. Please add some kind of notification!
i think the auto-cancel feature wouldn't really solve much, as most late outs are in the later games. But a notification saying you have a player not playing would be nice pre-contest. just so you can narrow down teams you need to change. old site you could go to my lineups search a player and edit that team. now it is a manual task looking for that player. which has just sparked me too add another feature request. :)